Өнгөрсөн онд Хятадын коксжих нүүрсний импорт 74.5 сая тонн болсон байна. Энэ нь өмнөх оноосоо 15 орчим хувиар өссөн дүн бөгөөд сүүлийн зургаан жилийн дээд хэмжээ юм. Блумберг Интеллеженсийн шинжээчид Хятадын коксжих нүүрсний импортыг 74.9 сая тонн болно хэмээн таамаглаж байсан юм. Харин Хятадын нийт нүүрсний импорт 299.7 сая тонн болж, зургаан хувиар өссөн байна. Арваннэгдүгээр сард коксжих нүүрсний импорт нь …
Read More »Гадны хэвлэлд Монгол Улс
Сингапурын “Channel news asia” телевиз “Шинэ торгоны зам” цуврал нэвтрүүлгийг хийсэн. Уг цуврал нэвтрүүлгийн хоёр дахь дугаарт Монгол Улсын уул уурхайн эдийн засаг, дэд бүтэц болон “Эрдэнэс-Тавантолгой” ХК-ийн үйл ажиллагааны тухай үзүүлжээ.
Read More »China, Mongolia and Russian Federation trade
China, Mongolia and Russian Federation to open up new era of trade cooperation Moscow (ESCAP News) – A new era of trade cooperation between China, Mongolia and the Russian Federation was opened in Moscow on 8 December 2016, when the governments of the three countries signed the Intergovernmental Agreement on International Road Transport along the Asian Highway Network. By signing …
Read More »Russia’s Rosgeo to search for oil and gas in Mongolia
KRASNOYARSK TERRITORY, RUSSIA – APRIL 3, 2017: A view of the Rosneft oil rig drilling the first exploration well in the Khatanga Bay as part of the East Taimyr oilfield. Vladimir Smirnov/TASS Ðîññèÿ. Êðàñíîÿðñêèé êðàé. 3 àïðåëÿ 2017. Áóðîâàÿ óñòàíîâêà äëÿ äîáû÷è íåôòè íà Õàòàíãñêîì ó÷àñòêå íåäð â ìîðñêîé ÷àñòè Âîñòî÷íî-Òàéìûðñêîãî ìåñòîðîæäåíèÿ, ãäå êîìïàíèÿ “Ðîñíåôòü” íà÷èíàåò áóðåíèå ïîèñêîâî-îöåíî÷íîé ñêâàæèíû. Âëàäèìèð …
Read More »Mongolia: Mining should serve sustainable development
GENEVA / ULAANBAATAR (11 September 2019) – The mining sector in Mongolia should play a truly transformative role and serve as a catalyst to ensure the realisation of economic, social and cultural rights, and spur human development, says a UN expert at the end of a visit to the country. “Mongolia is rich in natural resources which can be both …
Read More »Mongolia eyes higher value coking coal exports; logistics key challenge
Logistics and transportation of Container Cargo ship and Cargo plane with working crane bridge in shipyard at sunrise, logistic import export and transport industry background Mongolia’s coking coal exports remain an integral part of the country’s export income and increased efforts are needed to compete against other coal-producing nations and solve challenging transportation issues, senior executives from trade associations and …
Read More »Rio’s credit profile not affected by Oyu Tolgoi expansion
Fitch Ratings issued a report this week stating that Rio Tinto’s (ASX, LON, NYSE:RIO) credit profile is not negatively affected by the company’s recent announcement related to the increased cost of the expansion project of its Oyu Tolgoi copper-gold-silver mine in Mongolia. In its analysis, Fitch states that the firm’s product diversification, conservative balance sheet, strong cash flow and position …
Read More »Democratic but deadlocked, Mongolia braces for ‘inevitable’ political change
Beneath a giant stainless steel statue, portraits of the 13th century warlord’s successors line the corridors of a museum. Nearly all of them saw their lives cut short during vicious fights for supremacy in medieval Mongolia’s royal courts. Mongolia is at a political crossroads as public frustration mounts over disputes holding back vital mining and infrastructure projects, and President Battulga …
Read More »Rio Tinto under fire as Mongolia presses for mine deal changes
The country owns 34% of the mine, Mongolia’s biggest foreign investment project, but lawmakers claim delays and cost overruns have meant it has run up more debt from the project than income thus far. Ending the 2015 “Dubai agreement” that launched Oyu Tolgoi’s underground expansion would likely reduce Rio’s future profits in Mongolia’s favor. Mongolia’s parliament is set to approve …
Read More »Rio sounds copper warning from Mongolian steppe
HONG KONG (Reuters Breakingviews) – Rio Tinto has sounded a copper warning from the Mongolian steppe. The $104 billion mining giant says its flagship Oyu Tolgoi expansion in the country’s south will be up to 30 months late, and could cost as much as a third more than planned. That’s a fresh blow to a project that has been battered …
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